California DUI Schools
Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer
DUI School (DUI education program) is a court-ordered penalties for drunk driving. In California, even first-time DUI convictions are punishable by drunk driving education classes. These classes are designed to keep drunk driving offenders from repeating the same mistake twice. However, DUI school can be very expensive and an unmerited conviction could lead to unfair expenses and debt for innocent drivers.
At Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP, we are dedicated to standing up for the rights of our clients in court so they don’t have to face the inconvenience and cost of a DUI education program.
Types of DUI Classes offered in Santa Barbara
DUI classes vary in length and cost, depending on the DUI conviction. Generally speaking, felony DUIs and other serious convictions are punishable by lengthy DUI classes, whereas a shorter class will follow a less severe DUI offense. California law currently allows seven types of DUI programs. Across the state, more than 200 facilities offer these classes, where students must complete programs to satisfy DUI sentencing. The cost and length of each DUI class is determined by the individual provider.
DUI School for Wet Reckless Driving & Underage DUI
Of the seven DUI programs offered in California, five may be required after a first DUI conviction. First DUIs are punishable by twelve-hour classes, underage DUI programs, three-month classes, six-month classes, and nine-month DUI classes. The twelve-hour DUI program is typically required after a wet reckless conviction or underage DUI. Although wet reckless driving can still result in a DUI class, it is only punishable by a twelve-hour DUI program. The twelve hour program usually is usually completed in two-hour class increments over the span of six weeks. Although the cost of each DUI program is determined by its provider (not state law), most twelve-hour programs cost about $240.
Underage DU is also punishable by a twelve-hour program, which is specifically designed to educate young drivers on the dangers of drunk driving. This classes, called AB 803, is designed to prevent young drivers from becoming habitual DUI offenders. The underage DUI program is offered to minors between the ages of 18 and 20 and usually costs the same amount of money as a twelve-hour DUI program for wet reckless driving. The underage DUI program can be more expensive than a wet reckless program, but is generally less costly than a three, six, or nine-month class. If your child was arrested for underage DUI, he/she may face a twelve-hour DUI school.
DUI School for First Offenders
The three-month DUI program is the most common first-time DUI school. Officially known as AB 541, this program is usually sentenced as a probation requirement for standard drunk driving convictions; aggravated DUIs are punishable by longer programs. The three-month program is usually completed after 30 hours of class time, but the actual length of each program varies depending on the specific school. Most schools complete the program in ten to 15 programs. Although every DUI program is designed to avert subsequent DUIs, the first offender three-month program is especially focused on this goal.
The court may prescribe a six-month DUI program for first offenses as well. However, this program is not very common and has been almost completely replaced by the nine-month DUI program, AB 1353. A judge may determine that a six or nine-month program is appropriate if the driver was arrested for a DUI that involved aggravated circumstances, such as excessive speeding or a car accident. If the law enforcement believes that your BAC was between .15% and .19%, you may face a six month program. The nine-month program is usually sentenced if your BAC was more than .20%. These programs usually cost between $880 and $1,200.
18-Month DUI Program for Second-Time Offenders
A second DUI conviction in California will probably result in an 18-month DUI program. This program is can easily cost more than $1,500 and involves lectures, group counseling, drug and alcohol education, bi-weekly interviews, and community reentry monitoring. During interviews, students are required to participate in discussions. Students do not have to participate during class lectures. The term “community reentry monitoring” provides students with the opportunity to re-adjust to their regular lives after a DUI. During reentry monitoring, the program provider may help students with job placement, etc.
30-Month DUI Programs for Subsequent Offenses
The 30-month DUI program is only offered in Stanislaus County and Los Angeles County. This class, known as SB 1365, is an extensive program designed to educate repeat DUI offenders. Second-time DUIs are punishable by the 30-month program if the driver’s BAC was extremely high; otherwise, this program is reserved for third and subsequence offenses. This program usually costs about $3,400 and includes:
- Therapy sessions
- 12 hours of alcohol & drug education
- Up to 300 hours of community service (no less than 120 hours)
- 78 hours of group counseling